Lamar Riddick – Wedding Ring (Lyric Video)

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Lamar Riddick just released a special video this Valentine’s Day sharing his heart on searching for the one true love God has willed for your life.

Lamar Sheds light on his latest single: Wedding Ring is a story of a personal experience I went through. When I was in college I took interest in a young lady that wasn’t following the Lord. I was captured by her personality and beauty, rather than her Love for Jesus. Eventually I had to tell her I couldn’t pursue a deeper relationship with her because she wasn’t living a life reflecting Jesus . So this song tells the emotions that I went through and bold steps that I had to take in order to separate from her. Ultimately I’m saying that it’s about more than just having a beautiful girlfriend/boyfriend or spouse, but about them being saved and following the Lord. So throughout the song I’m saying, “I’m waiting on My Wedding Ring” because I was waiting on the Godly woman that I would marry someday . Atlas, I can finally say that I’ve found her and I’m engaged to her now! We are getting married very soon! Use this song as hope and a reminder of God’s faithfulness.

Purchase “Wedding Ring” on iTunes:

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